Archivi tag: stories

* 9 Special Guest: Bread and words. The sum is more than the parts

July 2, 2013

Sunday, June 30, 2013 to the Library Gallery of Art the Universal – via “F. Caracciolo” 12 – Rome, was held the presentation of the book “Words of Bread” project anthology of short stories about food, promoted by Diana & Emma, in the persons of writers “Diana Sganappa” and “Emma Saponaro.” The participants, including myself, have presented a single story, published or unpublished, concerning a story about food, fictional, first-person lived or passed down from a family member of a past generation or another country.

It is a unanimous testimony of the changes in society with reference to food.

The proceeds of the anthology are intended for public and social purposes.

The process of evaluation and preparation of the text involving different professional and the event was attended by literary critics, University Professors, and it was punctuated by piano performance and theater.



In the realization of the project, the writers, according to competence and ability, have spoken for the preparation and organization of the event in its early stages.

The five award-winning short stories have been evaluated according to a rigorous process of self-assessment on the part of actors and literary critics with reflections on food, sociability, history and the present.

The meeting in the presence of everyone with whom he had interjected only via computer (resident in Italy and abroad), as well as being poignant and uplifting, it offered the opportunity to expose for a few moments some parts of itself for a further extension on the different approaches and styles of writing.

There was the wonder of everyone to rejoice: the writers are already in place for newbies and professionals in related activities to those of writing. All together in offering a choral work.  


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The ingredients of the project were mixed well and with an excellent leavening, offered a colorful display of writing styles with the ever-changing tastes like bread.

The book, the authors and the public have come up with something more. Everything was happily excess of the parties. Generous as the bread.

The book you can find it HERE

* 7 Special Guest: women and the Sea

May 27, 2013

I present a text just released where I participate with my story from which the image is related also to the cover.

“Women and the Sea” is collection of short stories by authors of the FB group “Star Books”, with color illustrations by Diego Lights on coated paper,

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the book is available in hardcopy HERE

An anthology of 23 stories dedicated the world of women in the relationship with the sea, consisting of more or less well-known authors who have accepted the challenge to create a story while remaining within the maximum limit of 1000 characters.

The stories span several genres. They range from the dramatic relative to the impossible love, violence against women and the events giving rise to the ironic smile; the celebration of the sea and feelings to the fairy tale, the prose poetic and mythological references. In addition to the moral qualities you meditate sometimes on physical beauty, referring to the erotic impulses of the characters.

The 23 color illustrations created by “Diego Luci” highly evocative, and they capture the essence of the story that follows. The drop cap similar to medieval miniatures, they offer a fabulous manuscript, emerged as if by magic from the shelves of a library mysterious.

It is also available in ebook format on Amazon HERE.


March 3, 2013 

To participate you must be a member of the Facebook group “Star Books”, here’s the address: / groups / libristellari

It participates in the group by entering a separate post with attached his own story, maximum 1000 characters including spaces and punctuation, in doc format (Word 97-2003 format, not docx) or pdf file not protected, or in RTF (Rich Text Format) .

If you want you can also insert an image in the file that illustrates the story. Inside the file type, before the text of the story, your first and last name and the title of the story; basically write your web site or blog, FB page, in short, all the web pages that will affect you.

The name of the file containing the account must be in this form: “Miniconcorso – Name and surname of the author – Title of the story.”

The theme of the stories is: “Women and the Sea”. Deadline to enter the tales: Sunday, March 17, 2013. 
 As of 18 March 2013, will have access to all the stories participants, we will post a poll so that those who want to be able to read the stories in the “Files” section of the group and vote his favorite.

The three stories of winners (first, second and third place) will be posted on these sites:

– FB page of “The Library of the artists Jedi”

– Blog Giuseppe Ciucci,

– Star Blogs Demaris,

– Blog of Lino Milita,

– Site by Diego Lights,

The winning story, in addition to publication in the sites mentioned above, will be advertised in the various FB groups dedicated to writing and to emerging writers.

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Good work!