Archivi tag: share

* 16 Special Guest: Bread and writing. The sum is more than the parts – second edition

May 27, 2014 

Saturday, May 24, 2014 
 in Rome – “Crypt of Saint Lucia of the Banner” in Via dei Banchi Vecchi 12, it was held the presentation of the second edition of the book “Words of Bread” project anthology of short stories about food, promoted by the writers “Diana Sganappa” and “Emma Saponaro”. The participants, including myself, have presented a single story, published or unpublished, having the union as a fundamental principle of this project, because the ingredients are blended in the kitchen, and the pleasure is right there: When in one gulp all the flavors are combined, as in the words, a universe in which everyone can join. In one word: sharing. And the proceeds of the sales will be donated to the “Association of Family and Supporters Suffering psychic Tuscia” (A.fe.SO.psi.T), because the Words of bread are not “empty words” 
 but a book for those who have no voice.

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And … the project continues …

And once again the meeting of everyone with whom he had spoken only via computer, as well as being poignant and uplifting, offered the opportunity to expose for a few moments some parts of themselves for a further extension on different approaches and styles of writing.

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And as for last year’s edition has appeared to enjoy the wonder of everyone: all together in offering a choral writing.

* 11 Special Guest: An interview about my most humble servant, but more energetic the poem: sharing.

December 1, 2013

I quote here the textual comment made ​​to me by the interview “John Garufi Draft” and the link to the interview itself, it is also registered in his blog, where we talk about my two books of poetry and biography of each, and that is also a common feature in the work: sharing.  

My radio interview with Lino Milita, author of “Mutual rebirth” and “Suspended dreams“.

November 30, 2013 by “Giovanni Garufi Bozza”

Dear Visitor,

Today I’ll introduce you to the poetry of Lino Milita, author of two anthologies almost twins, leave a few months away from each other, “Mutual rebirths” and “Suspended dreams”.

They have in common, in addition to the skill of Lino, the property of being collected varied, combining different types of art, poetry, photography, painting. They are selfpublished. It is commendable the graphics capability of Lino, who personally supervised the editing and the alternation of poetry and visual art. The fact anthologies appear hymns art and cooperation between artists, the pure, made a careful study and closer ties, which make these vital and rich texts. Note on the price. With 12 € you can buy two books of art, photography, poetry. Books varied, well-set graphically.

You’ll wonder if you are the poems that inspired the works or the reverse, but you will not find a clear answer: Lino dragged and you are done drag, he has inspired and was inspired by involving artists from different parts of Europe.

I hope in the assembly of the interview he had given no idea of what you’ll find in anthologies, adjusting sounds, voice and images into a single video. For sure, you will find valuable encouragement in what Lino says, because he only writes poetry, studying the savoring, it follows the history, origins. There is a precious knowledge, which has enriched me so much.

To listen to the interview click HERE

* 9 Special Guest: Bread and words. The sum is more than the parts

July 2, 2013

Sunday, June 30, 2013 to the Library Gallery of Art the Universal – via “F. Caracciolo” 12 – Rome, was held the presentation of the book “Words of Bread” project anthology of short stories about food, promoted by Diana & Emma, in the persons of writers “Diana Sganappa” and “Emma Saponaro.” The participants, including myself, have presented a single story, published or unpublished, concerning a story about food, fictional, first-person lived or passed down from a family member of a past generation or another country.

It is a unanimous testimony of the changes in society with reference to food.

The proceeds of the anthology are intended for public and social purposes.

The process of evaluation and preparation of the text involving different professional and the event was attended by literary critics, University Professors, and it was punctuated by piano performance and theater.



In the realization of the project, the writers, according to competence and ability, have spoken for the preparation and organization of the event in its early stages.

The five award-winning short stories have been evaluated according to a rigorous process of self-assessment on the part of actors and literary critics with reflections on food, sociability, history and the present.

The meeting in the presence of everyone with whom he had interjected only via computer (resident in Italy and abroad), as well as being poignant and uplifting, it offered the opportunity to expose for a few moments some parts of itself for a further extension on the different approaches and styles of writing.

There was the wonder of everyone to rejoice: the writers are already in place for newbies and professionals in related activities to those of writing. All together in offering a choral work.  


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The ingredients of the project were mixed well and with an excellent leavening, offered a colorful display of writing styles with the ever-changing tastes like bread.

The book, the authors and the public have come up with something more. Everything was happily excess of the parties. Generous as the bread.

The book you can find it HERE

# 8 Contamination: Clara Schumann: listening humble and generous sharing: the basics of excellence

February 12, 2013 


Clara Schumann in this sonata for violin and piano, played by Jozsef Joachim: great violinist and collaborator of Johannes Brahms wrote for him the first two quartets and a few steps of Richard Wagner in the last quarter; this is to say the size and estimated that they had all of this wonder. She, Clara, felt and understood the violin is no longer exclusively as a solo instrument, but also as if it were an essential part of compositional fabric with the piano. Both tools here talk as equals.


The virtuosity resulting from the two instruments, assuming a resigned tone, dialogue in increasingly dense textures where the concerts of violin and piano is increasingly becoming bases for any concerts for orchestra and piano and / or violin. The same Brahms with the advice of his friend Joachim, took nearly 14 years to go from a piano concerto at the first symphony.


Clara, played the piano and his work with violinist Joachim with equal virtuosity. She he experienced a world where even today we are immersed. In these his “3 Romances for Violin and Piano, Op. 122 “pinched violin bow goes hand in hand with the slow tones of the piano, without exceeding, so that the variations increasingly acute, do not become a virtuosity elementary and vain. And she could in this also with Robert A. Schumann, her husband, who she felt and composed musical works.

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Clara Schumann. Image taken from HERE


She was listening with a humble purpose of sharing every creation. She was excellence.

To listen to the “3 Romances for violin and piano, Op. 122 “click HERE