Archivi tag: mother @en

* 17 Special Guest: Mutual Rebirths

I have been asked to translate into English my book of poems in Italian “Mutual Rebirths” by painters and photographers not Italian who co-wrote the book, and also for some potential requests to English readers . I relived my book in English: a new creation. I have recited and I have rewritten my poems. At the same time I re-read some texts of the British and US poetesses of past centuries. After more than seven different drafts, I have proposed the reading of the text in a selected audience and then I have entrusted the text to the translator Diego Luci.

Rebirths occur sometimes spontaneausly, due to events which require radical changes, and they can be wonderful for what life can offer more, or they can cause desperation for unespected occurences contingencies that take away everything, except those dark visions the future.

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@ Samanta Lai: “Tai Chi”

Fortune and engagement allow you the luxury of being reborn as adults, keeping the memories of your past. In this case, it is also necessary that the memories concerning the others and stored in ourselves have to be really in order to avoid a mere reproduction of what we were. The real rebirth needs the others and the support of those we had an intimate relathionship with. If we pursue a revival with not causing pain to anybody, we will be able to express feelings and deep desires: doing so, we will become truly adult, wiser and sincere.

This collection of 50 poems accompanied by pictures, some of them in color, wants the readers to think over the world, the human relationships and the wonders that every person carries within itself.

Paper: Youcanprint: HERE


Smashwords: HERE