To participate you must be a member of the Facebook group “Star Books”, here’s the address: / groups / libristellari
It participates in the group by entering a separate post with attached his own story, maximum 1000 characters including spaces and punctuation, in doc format (Word 97-2003 format, not docx) or pdf file not protected, or in RTF (Rich Text Format) .
If you want you can also insert an image in the file that illustrates the story. Inside the file type, before the text of the story, your first and last name and the title of the story; basically write your web site or blog, FB page, in short, all the web pages that will affect you.
The name of the file containing the account must be in this form: “Miniconcorso – Name and surname of the author – Title of the story.”
The theme of the stories is: “Women and the Sea”. Deadline to enter the tales: Sunday, March 17, 2013. As of 18 March 2013, will have access to all the stories participants, we will post a poll so that those who want to be able to read the stories in the “Files” section of the group and vote his favorite.
The three stories of winners (first, second and third place) will be posted on these sites:
– FB page of “The Library of the artists Jedi”
– Blog Giuseppe Ciucci,
– Star Blogs Demaris,
– Blog of Lino Milita,
– Site by Diego Lights,
The winning story, in addition to publication in the sites mentioned above, will be advertised in the various FB groups dedicated to writing and to emerging writers.
Good work!