Archivi tag: Caspar David Friedrich @en

@ 10 poetically: The disorienting attractions

April 1, 2013 

The fear of loss sometimes comes from the dissolution of things and memories. And even more when we are unable to comprehend what appears. The absence of a response and the escape of meanings, causing paralysis. Despite all this we also try to give an aesthetically meaning that allows us to conceive of a range of possibilities to determine a space of existence in the future.

We are afraid of the attractions of the motion of the water and the earth, where they open the doors to the vortex and whirlpool. We run away from them, but our eye is attracted.

Stasis resulting from the awareness of the futility of escape and attraction towards the maximum danger, because we feel the suggestion of a new form of existence and knowledge of the world.

We should sit in the edge of the coast near the sea evoked by eddies. Let’s see, finally, the mirror of the infinite backdrop that is our fear. Eddy and fear are two abysses that meet swirling in the center of anxiety.
And being stuck, let us approach the arctic wind that lingers on our shoulders, which is contrasted by the warm current of the Sargasso, silver crackling and flaring of the north with the purple tones of the south, in our speck of existence.

Imagine a sailing winds that embraces all the drops as possible, like a sailor who seeks the route in the eye of the hurricane. Hurricane that is its own eye.

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“Wanderer above the Sea of ​​Fog” by Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840) – Picture taken HERE

 To listen to “Into The Sea” by Sivert Hoyem click HERE