Archivi tag: body

@21 Poetically: A conversation in progress. Anniversary of “Everything under control. A body in the mirror

A year has passed since the publication of the paper in digital format “Everything is under control. A body in the mirror. “A work, sublime or mid-level, if this is, both for the author and for the space of formal communication that incorporates, it acquires or it should buy its own life, so that it accompanies the reader and the writer in a still to explore.




With reference to the “public” potential that I imagined in a timeframe annual, that I thought in lesser quantities, because my two previous writings are poetry, this written in prose, lonely and under track, continued with a constancy from marathon runner to meet more new readers every month.


As the cost of the writing is a little over a euro, I have found that it has been taken mainly by assonance, stimulus and curiosity about the title and a few hints about the content. At first glance it seems to me to talk about anorexia as a symptom of a malaise known to all, but already the first lines, the reader understands that the “food dysfunction” is a symptom of the processes that they are so unique and unrepeatable for each of us, and that they have, however, a common reference to long-term social processes.


The body was already once understood as a product of a technique, albeit for references supramundane, and now it is registered in the laity criteria of “best management resources” in a horizon for which “doing”, “act in view of a defined objective “and management” domestic “their livelihood, their elements are already separated and fully available. We are therefore confident in disposing of the body in time patterns already foreshadowed, according to well-defined actions and safe in a procession that it is similar to that of a pilgrim towards a relic, which give a certificate, diploma, or a performance sexual and convivial, with emotions and feelings that are well pigeonholed in the procedure of a serial satisfaction and nuanced.


Everything must be under control, because the body is wanted as if it were already an essential and original, and not a goal to reach. We have a faith towards a simplification of the world with a double inversion of means and purposes, where the control is at the same time an element of the body which must be produced and in the other a set of behaviors and views of the world, which are adapted to change it. It is a short circuit. A mirror that you want to fake, and you want to tell the fake: “This little thing you see is the whole of reality.”



Tina Modotti, The hands is working.


The problem comes when the body itself, the part deemed simpler, split and weak, rebels and does so through the same violent and unlimited vision that we want to create. The background and the material available, which is almost despised, in addition to being the source of what it is, offers other possibilities of existence.


Almost every reader of the text has first started a conversation through website, and everyone fairly even before reading, requested clarifications on those terms, and then almost more than half of the readers, until now, has returned to write combining their experiences, compared to the path that is offered by the text. By the words and experiences, unique and unrepeatable for each, it appears that “we”, “our” image, “our” body have an indefinite surplus still to be said, seen and experienced. And this “more” is unlimited. And that all will to make it static and uniform, clashes against itself. The interview is still in progress.


The book can be downloaded

Ultimabooks: Here

Bookrepublic: Here : Here

Amazon: Here – in kindle format.


* 15 Special Guest: Everything under control: the loneliness

 February 4, 2014


here I am. From my ebook “Everything is under control. A body in the mirror, “I transcribe a passage dealing with the loneliness and isolation. They are unavoidable and common traits of our lives. Accompany us and sometimes we argue with them, although in some cases they are looking for as safe nest or as an illusion of eternal regularity. Have you dealt with loneliness or forced isolation? It has happened in your life? Or even loneliness is a path that leads to the final silence without memory?

“[…] And in addition, what the heck, adolescence is over. No: The mirror says you’re still young, but there is an awareness that we must distinguish between isolation and loneliness. Loneliness is not a bad thing. There is always a part that is not going to appear to others; or not? Yet everyone is convinced. Solitude helps make distant a part of himself with respect to the making, the appearance of things. It is the illusion of a help to reflect with him. I learn new words: If I become hypertrophic, then it is sick. It is the little that I want to see everything: the madness and pain. The ego is inconsistent for the claims and it is incomplete, because he is in the world. Solitude helps prepare resources to survive among the hidden nature and the imagined world. World and nature evoke different tones for everyone: an amazing concert by everyone and for everyone.

Another question is how the isolation status and needs, knowing that social relations feed malaise and discomfort within. Loneliness also accepts the company. The insulation is solved with good will. If the disease is persistent, uneducated and immoral because it does not ask permission, causes each to be isolated: shame, impotence and fatigue. […] ”

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Aleksandr Rodchenko, Portrait of Med Georgi-Petrusov

The book in digital format (ePub), you can find out:

Ultimabooks: HERE

Bookrepublic: HERE : HERE HERE

Amazon: HERE – kindle format.

* 14 Special Guest: Everything is under control. A body in the mirror

January 15, 2014 


here I am. For a long time we did not feel dear friends. It was a period of intense reading, exchange of views and experiences with everyone, including readers, and work in progress. One among them is finished and it is, unlike poetry, my first novel presented as a autonomous, and it is not like the others shorter along with miscellaneous other authors. With “Everything is under control. A body in the mirror, “I present a theme overexposed in public opinion as superficial analysis. This argument captures the attention and intrigues many, perhaps for the feature to appear as a result of the remote psychic processes that are fundamental and pervasive in every event of the day. It is, accordingly, the paradox that this issue costuisce strictly a personal matter and present. In public opinion appears to be a double censorship that says the disease as a cause, rather than constitute the symptom and the signal from sinking into the abyss.

What happens when culture and society by determining the split between mind and body, they are seen with the eye of their daughter (technique)? What happens when the will that is intended to pursue manageable goals and reducible in terms of effectiveness, turns his arms to herself? And yet when the eye pompous and deluded of omnipotence, he sees the abandonment and failure always already certified? An unexpected occurrence that is precisely the separate and believed to be weaker, react and expose the surplus of what we in irriducible existence of each.

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Aleksandr Rodchenko, Portrait of Georgi Med-Petrusov 

The book in digital format (ePub) you can find on:

Ultimabooks: HERE

Bookrepublic: HERE : HERE HERE

Amazon: HERE – kindle format.

@ 14 poetically: males in the mirror.

May 6, 2013

It sounds trite and boring to repeat it. Some of these killings have already announced before completion of their sad and then they are subsequently accompanied justifications that the blame due to unbalanced or marginalized.

But the bad man is a relative or trusted friend. The hypocrisy speaks of love and jealousy and it transposes it into a biological inability to restrain himself by the male. For sure it’s the woman’s body that continues to be violated after death in the images, in legal procedures and the reconstruction of the events.

We speak of an emergency. But it is not a phenomenon of today this murder with the obvious desire to annihilate a living being that is considered inferior by the violent as a mere object available.

These tragic events are narrated with shock and paralysis, and they are concluded with a general exhortation to understanding and combating of ‘phenomenon’.

The males refuse to turn over the matter and their victims: they are eclipsed.

Now, without invoking the common sense, intellectual honesty, the basic principles of ethics and law, it is sufficient for males to listen to your body.

Think about it, we males fugitives as if we were sprawled on the ground, undressed, with blood and urine, and the gaunt face in front of everyone, maybe neighbors who are scratching your head, sit down and nose and exchange phrases in the look for land , with the inevitable idiot which ranks near the cameras of some journalist. Think only physically in the cold, the stench in your body. Just this.

And of course everyone looks unhealthily the victim (on the street, in newspapers, on television) without thinking about the murderer.  Where is the murderess? It is the husband? The father? The brother? The victim in front of the public without compassion.

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Jakub Schikaneder, “Murder in the house”
– Picture taken HERE

Security is not everywhere: water, sun faded, sand and sea are already a hazard. And this is a lie: the one who generates life is offended by the complement of male generation that believes one unshaken principle.

She is alone: think of males in vain to ask for help to relatives, friends and judicial authorities. Imagine us walking the streets seeing everyone happy or upset to the everyday problems and feel marked and liable to be seized and crushed at any moment in front of indifferent gaze. Feel it in the stomach this horror. Listen in your veins awareness of being massacred in short, where even the crying will be punished.

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Jakub Schikaneder – Picture taken HERE

There are itchy hands? You feel the anger growing inside you? Here you multiply that feeling by a thousand in the stomach, knowing they can not do anything and that all this will explode inside. Imagine you how to get mangled trunks without memory in a dirty beach and desolate.

The red umbrella with traits defined as follows, with respect to the forms almost liquefied, picks up the warmth of the heart and the soul and reflects it to the surrounding environment. The rain does not refreshes: afflicts slowly to normality as an inevitable compulsion. The body of the woman and her walk are imposed by rains that cut and not soothe, like tears of acid. There is a mock sun and obscured by cultural requirements and power, which are passed off as natural and eternal.

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Andre Kohn – Picture taken HERE

Dear males think about the normality of every day, which is made of gray and oppression, like a simple to walk and dress imposed. Just think just that.

* 4 Special Guest: Poetry: The immediate original

March 7, 2013 

In the languages ​​and modern techniques is the supposed evidence in composing female and male in the division of the heart and brain; in a quadrilateral where each element is intended to separate and then it is juxtaposed with the senses and intellect.

And all this is even more true for the inclination of an “artist” or a “mathematical”

We believe to reason and discern with pieces of meat hanging in the butcher shop.

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Painter: Giacomo Sonaglia 

Yet the act of writing poetry, even before writing, this is because it expresses what the body feels and emanates towards everything that is real. But expresses all using the contemplation of the sublime of every aspect of the real, which is seen as a universal act. Each poem as it is complex, it is a composition immediate with what the body expresses at the time, birth, death, the meaning of love and hate.

Cloverleaf of migrant stars (poetry comes from “Suspended Dreams”)

Everywhere I look obsequious and anxious
the four large paintings of the horizon,
that they offer the ocean from the ground chamfered
of flames that rise up the air excitedly.

The aerial messenger gives yellow
Autumn chased, severe, from
winter shadow of the leaves in heap
where they intersect the angle of the cloverleaf.

And to regain the presence of emerald
springs that erupt from essences,
these reproduce the ecstatic thaw
of the stars of the leafy stem.

Each clover is also a quadrilateral of shadows
who deny the association hidden,
but the stars migrants hearts heavenly
report the blazing grafts.

# 1 Contamination. Dances between the silent Sounds

January 18, 2013

Rachmaninov – Symphonic Dances – Op 45 – 1/5

The Symphonic Dances Rachmaninoff can be set to music with a piano. They have a structure to our ears, can they be understood in an abstract manner, imagining tone and timbre in the percussion (heart), on the breath (lung) and the key (skeleton).

And just because they maintain a distance from the word, and also by the specific noise of an instrument, we, as in the act of writing poetry, through language, our bodies and the mutual feelings that we express in emotions, we transform them in flesh and blood, a common feeling.

And then we dance between these schemes.


Image taken from HERE

We start from the first dance. Do not cheerful: the impact of three descending notes, which forms the basis of the movement, makes its way into pianissimo strings, and then it emerges with rhythmic aggression. The sound of the oboe leads to the transition of the middle section; the alto saxophone states the bad mood; the melody is then taken up by the violins, before returning to the initial section that we called rhythmic dynamism; and the movement is switched off in the same way of com it was started.
We wake up feeling the three notes, our body resumes its forms and it swims in the black vortex that runs on the same without screwing on a fulcrum.

The Scream is the transition to the saxophone.

The tormenting sigh invokes the arches, like the wings of glass, they branch out in polymorphic structures. And we begin again, waiting for the next movement, we being chained in the final rate order not to disperse the memory of self-image.

To listen Symphonic Dances Press Here 

@ 1 Poetically: Writing poetry

January 14, 2013

How do you are writing a poem? Whether it is of excellent style, tawdry, stupid, clearly sloppy, or original?

Even if we erudite in versification, rhetoric and stylistics, it may appear to hang. If you think of a task, the publication, the existence of an actual immediate audience, the paper will remain white. If you use rites stable and if you program your job, the sheet may remain white.

If you will force the rhyme, perhaps appear scattered pages of rows in prose, and this is not a bad thing. So what? In the precise act of composing poetry that you think, maybe there is not a rule but an operational criterion (mutable): you let go of the “should”, so that the emotions are not forced.

You let go of the analysis, and you listen to your body, not ontologically, or subjectively, or into sense of ethics or erotic, maybe later, but just the body, here and now.

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Maurits Cornelis Escher, Drawing Hands, 1948.

Let him come all that overwhelms you from the outside.

Let him come anxiety and fear.

Later you will meditate, you will analyze and will correct everything. This is not an investment, because you have no interest and guarantees. The prize is always one: yourself.