* 16 Special Guest: Bread and writing. The sum is more than the parts – second edition

May 27, 2014 

Saturday, May 24, 2014 
 in Rome – “Crypt of Saint Lucia of the Banner” in Via dei Banchi Vecchi 12, it was held the presentation of the second edition of the book “Words of Bread” project anthology of short stories about food, promoted by the writers “Diana Sganappa” and “Emma Saponaro”. The participants, including myself, have presented a single story, published or unpublished, having the union as a fundamental principle of this project, because the ingredients are blended in the kitchen, and the pleasure is right there: When in one gulp all the flavors are combined, as in the words, a universe in which everyone can join. In one word: sharing. And the proceeds of the sales will be donated to the “Association of Family and Supporters Suffering psychic Tuscia” (A.fe.SO.psi.T), because the Words of bread are not “empty words” 
 but a book for those who have no voice.

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And … the project continues …

And once again the meeting of everyone with whom he had spoken only via computer, as well as being poignant and uplifting, offered the opportunity to expose for a few moments some parts of themselves for a further extension on different approaches and styles of writing.

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And as for last year’s edition has appeared to enjoy the wonder of everyone: all together in offering a choral writing.

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