* 15 Special Guest: Everything under control: the loneliness

 February 4, 2014


here I am. From my ebook “Everything is under control. A body in the mirror, “I transcribe a passage dealing with the loneliness and isolation. They are unavoidable and common traits of our lives. Accompany us and sometimes we argue with them, although in some cases they are looking for as safe nest or as an illusion of eternal regularity. Have you dealt with loneliness or forced isolation? It has happened in your life? Or even loneliness is a path that leads to the final silence without memory?

“[…] And in addition, what the heck, adolescence is over. No: The mirror says you’re still young, but there is an awareness that we must distinguish between isolation and loneliness. Loneliness is not a bad thing. There is always a part that is not going to appear to others; or not? Yet everyone is convinced. Solitude helps make distant a part of himself with respect to the making, the appearance of things. It is the illusion of a help to reflect with him. I learn new words: If I become hypertrophic, then it is sick. It is the little that I want to see everything: the madness and pain. The ego is inconsistent for the claims and it is incomplete, because he is in the world. Solitude helps prepare resources to survive among the hidden nature and the imagined world. World and nature evoke different tones for everyone: an amazing concert by everyone and for everyone.

Another question is how the isolation status and needs, knowing that social relations feed malaise and discomfort within. Loneliness also accepts the company. The insulation is solved with good will. If the disease is persistent, uneducated and immoral because it does not ask permission, causes each to be isolated: shame, impotence and fatigue. […] ”

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Aleksandr Rodchenko, Portrait of Med Georgi-Petrusov

The book in digital format (ePub), you can find out:

Ultimabooks: HERE

Bookrepublic: HERE

ebook.it : HERE

ebookizzati.it: HERE

Amazon: HERE – kindle format.

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