* 11 Special Guest: An interview about my most humble servant, but more energetic the poem: sharing.

December 1, 2013

I quote here the textual comment made ​​to me by the interview “John Garufi Draft” and the link to the interview itself, it is also registered in his blog, where we talk about my two books of poetry and biography of each, and that is also a common feature in the work: sharing.  

My radio interview with Lino Milita, author of “Mutual rebirth” and “Suspended dreams“.

November 30, 2013 by “Giovanni Garufi Bozza”

Dear Visitor,

Today I’ll introduce you to the poetry of Lino Milita, author of two anthologies almost twins, leave a few months away from each other, “Mutual rebirths” and “Suspended dreams”.

They have in common, in addition to the skill of Lino, the property of being collected varied, combining different types of art, poetry, photography, painting. They are selfpublished. It is commendable the graphics capability of Lino, who personally supervised the editing and the alternation of poetry and visual art. The fact anthologies appear hymns art and cooperation between artists, the pure, made a careful study and closer ties, which make these vital and rich texts. Note on the price. With 12 € you can buy two books of art, photography, poetry. Books varied, well-set graphically.

You’ll wonder if you are the poems that inspired the works or the reverse, but you will not find a clear answer: Lino dragged and you are done drag, he has inspired and was inspired by involving artists from different parts of Europe.

I hope in the assembly of the interview he had given no idea of what you’ll find in anthologies, adjusting sounds, voice and images into a single video. For sure, you will find valuable encouragement in what Lino says, because he only writes poetry, studying the savoring, it follows the history, origins. There is a precious knowledge, which has enriched me so much.

To listen to the interview click HERE

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