# 10 Contamination: The angel of this earth: Patti Smith

February 21, 2013 

Patti in “Glory” shares a message without apportioning blame or blood, with a blues style that is of this earth: that is for all.

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Picture taken HERE

“Gloria” in ancient languages ​​also means cheer and clap. Have someone turn up. Bring it to light. He who walks around the many and he brings the message. XLEOS: what gives off light. But sometimes it also says what comes from the darkness, from death and grief. It therefore offers hope.

“Gloria” proclaims hope from the pain, similar to the old Lutheran hymns, where there is a direct relationship with the transfigured child of God.

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Picture taken HERE


The musical group “The Doors” resumed and changed the text from “Them”, announcing the transfiguration as interior journey, regardless of the religious community of reference. A dream-like elevation that opens the “DOORS”. The child is already transfigured, through a unique interior journey.

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Picture taken HERE

Patti Smith, without detracting from the Doors and Them, takes a step forward for our future. The song is about this man who died taking charge of blood and guilt of all. She accepts the glory, the light and the message, but not as a medical disease of darkness. Not because you have to remove the stain of murder. Accept the glory of man. She opens its doors to this man, these men here on earth. Not another world. The glory here on earth for all. A secular message.

To listen GLORIA click HERE

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